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来源:儿童教育网 人气: 发布时间:2022-09-11









3。头直立 头直立,微微向前弯曲。不能歪斜以保证适中的视角,眼睛与纸面的距离大致为30-40厘米。左手压纸,调整纸的位置,让书写的文字始终在眼睛和手的最佳范围内。

4。足部安全 足部自然平坦,双腿弯曲平放。双脚平行或略前向后,双腿不能交叉(俗称二郎腿)。


书立姿势是为了手腕的灵活操作,同时由于居高临下的位置和宽视角,便于查看全局和掌握规则和规则。书立姿势的具体要求是:双脚微分开,一脚微前,身体保持平衡,上身微前屈,腰微弓,距离不宜过远,左手压纸,右手垂腕肘写字。 值得注意的是,桌面不能太低,以免弯腰容易疲劳。



古人十分重视书写的方法,认为“人学书法,必先学写”。古人书写的方法很多,有扭管、握管、拉马镫、三指、五指等。关于笔的松紧度也存在分歧。王羲之主张,写笔最重要,只有笔紧,才能将力量集中在笔端。苏东坡主张笔要松而宽,即笔要松,以利于笔的转动。事实上,“紧”与“松”是既对立又统一的两个矛盾的方面。写字的目的是为了跑好笔,所以“紧”是指能够很好地控制笔的边缘,不让它滑落变弱; “松”是指手中的笔运行灵活,笔口可以随意变换,字字有韵味。科学的书写方法可以概括为:竖笔,指实掌空,自然放松。



笔是笔直的,笔筒要与纸面基本垂直,以保证笔触的中心,具体来说笔筒是垂直的,这样方便调整八字的笔尖- 正面。值得指出的是,在写笔的过程中,随着手腕的摆动,笔筒会朝笔尖所指的方向下落,如写横画时笔筒会向左倾斜, 书写竖图时笔筒会前倾。这是完全合理的,但不允许笔筒顺着笔划的方向落下造成“拖笔”,也不允许落到笔划的两侧形成倾斜。

(二) 指向虚拟的手掌









(Press) 用于描述食指的功能。将食指根部按在枪管右侧,然后握住枪管与拇指相对。


(case) 用来描述无名指的作用。无名指靠近笔筒,中指向内勾住的笔筒被挡住,防止笔筒歪斜。

(到达) 解释小指的作用。 ai是pad support的意思,就是把小指放在无名指下面,增加无名指“格子”的力度。


笔画是汉字的基本元素。要想写好军的笔顺,首先要写好。就像盖房子一样,需要注意材料的质量。偷工减料、偷工减料的房子,一定是“豆腐渣”工程。写作也是如此。 王羲之道:“……稍有失落,犹如美人一只眼病;一幅画失序,犹如壮士断臂。”这充分说明了笔画的好坏与文字的整体美感之间的关系。


一、 起始规则:点、带、转




转向:调整行程的方向,使其达到中心行程的要求。平整的四边形块面形成后,不需要提起笔尖,然后用拇指和食指逆时针旋转笔架(水平和抬起都是逆时针旋转,垂直和左旋是顺时针旋转),驱动笔的笔画逆时针调整笔画,使笔画的原点由左到前到左改变,然后向右的笔画为水平中心笔画。注意:转笔时不要提起毛笔,直接用拇指和食指转动笔架带动笔尖在纸上旋转,像跷跷板一样,让笔尖和笔跟接触纸面同时移动到笔划的中心,直到笔边的状态满足中心的要求。 .



完成启动笔的三个步骤后,立即跟随笔画中心。在书写过程中,始终保持笔画指向与笔画方向相反的方向。同时,要求笔划保持在笔划的中心。笔筒可以向笔尖所指的方向倾斜(不要在笔的移动方向或笔划两侧,否则会造成拖拽或斜锋)。 ,笔画自然优美(见图3——3).








第三步“折”总结就是笔的笔划在“挑”之后折(方向平行于起点方向)形成一个右下角的方角,反差与下一轮形成的圆弧形成一个圆。 注意:这一步还是需要轻轻折叠。




陆封合上笔写字。与藏风收笔类似,第一步也需要回弹和抬起(这一步也叫“弹跳”),但是这个回弹和抬起是反复连续的,每次笔画都比较轻,直到写完为止。随着反复的反弹和抬起,为了使笔逐渐缩回,笔筒必须向笔尖指向的方向倾斜(这一步称为“倾斜”),最后一步是快速踢出笔尖出纸以形成笔边(此步骤称为“倾斜”)。 “踢”)。在基本笔画中,如直挂、撇、按、提钩等,均用此法。需要注意的是,想要获得漂亮的笔触,需要在启动笔时将笔转到位。只有将笔转到位,才能在闭合笔画时将笔画写在笔画的中心线上,从而产生漂亮的外观(见图3-5)。





2、三角形法 - 弹跳、拾取、折叠、折叠、转身


登山扣也特别适合初学者。 (参见图 3——7)。

五、Hook 编写规则

折钩的书写规则(横钩、竖提、竖钩)与三角折法基本相同,可写成“弹、挑、折、折、转”五个步骤”,但是竖钩要按照“弹跳、折叠、折叠、转”四个步骤来写比较合理,因为如果竖钩也写成和竖提一样的“跟” ,效果会很丑很麻烦。竖举更适合用弹、拨、点、带、转的方式书写。 (见图 3——8)。


弧钩(斜钩、横钩、竖钩、竖左钩)的书写方式与折钩略有不同。如果用三角法写,钩子背面多了一个角,特别难看。用“arc”代替钩子的“pick and fold”两步,这样就可以写出弧形钩子了









跳过 - 一个浓缩的短倾斜

提醒 - 提及的集中度

这些点是五个相应笔画的缩写 - 到中间、开始和结束。


一、长横除了按起跑合收的一般规则书写外,还要注意以下几点: 1、拱形。左半边稍向上倾斜,与水平线夹角约5°。右半边刚好在左半边笔画之后及时变平,收笔时自然呈拱形。 2、中间部分稍薄。写字时,笔尖微微翘起,笔画自然要细一些,但也不能太细,否则会变成“蜂腰”笔。 3、关闭笔顶部的圆圈。笔尾的“挑”与“折”形成方角,使笔气上升;最后,“转”一定是圆的,与方角形成对比,即和谐变化。

二、左笔尖水平1、书写点应水平且左尖。笔的笔画调整好后,在水平方向由轻到重调整笔画(手指在重量感上要尖),稍微拉长,形成一个左尖和一个杏仁点右圈。 2、 合上笔并将其提起。反弹转换笔边提起后,提升边从下边向前向上延伸,然后向左折叠,与起始笔下边保持平行,最后从上合边。 3、笔画左低右高。与带长横略斜带的笔相同。上笔后,保持笔斜向(因为笔从平点的笔划已经达到水平中心笔划要求,所以省略了转笔和调整笔划的步骤,笔是直接拍)。左低右高。

三、挂针垂直1、末端应该在中间。出笔时,笔的边缘要在笔画的中心轴上,这就要求在起笔和转笔时笔要到位,保证笔边的方向指向正前方并且在笔画的中心。 2、笔画应该是满的。彪马线笔应该写到整个笔画的四分之三或五分之四才可以提笔。 3、关闭动作很小。回弹转换动作的幅度要小,笔画要精致整齐。

四、短平面1、角应该是平的。取决于笔的方向,所以笔应该在点后轻轻地向左移动,而不是斜向下。 2、转动笔使它变大。随之而来的是笔的转动范围的增加,笔的笔画是从左到前再到右的,写出来的笔画自然是比较平的(不需要绝对水平)。

五、垂直旋转1、转弯很宽。从笔头垂直向下到笔尾左侧水平,手腕的灵活转动控制了笔的转动。 2、前面要跟。由于转动范围大,转动时也应该用手指顺时针转动笔来跟踪和调整笔尖。否则,在书写滑动和转动时,笔画会变得粗大且不协调。 3、手腕旋转和手指抽动应该同步进行。

六、斜蹲1、在脚角下方向上滑动。这里采用了长横启动的皮带转笔的方法,即保持原有的按压力水平,倒车时将笔拉到右边,形成上下一圈的效果. 2、双脚饱满而锋利。刚才提到的倒转笔,也是实现饱满的关键一步。然后逆时针转动笔调整正面,然后将笔合在中间。所写的笔画自然充满活力,给人一种美感。

七、平捺1、用水平点和胶带的方法启动笔。注意不要粗、长、斜,而要薄、短、平。 2、下坡的第二段要长、慢、不陡。 3、脚稍长的时候上沿应该是平的。

八、挂钩1、挂钩应该是平的。挂钩的上缘不应向左上方倾斜,而应略平。 2、别选。回弹解除后,请勿将笔的右边缘往下捡,以免后跟不美观。

九、挂钩1、在挂钩之前将其抬起。否则类似于斜勾,容易写出大而空的勾,使点的位置难以排列。 2、钩子应该很长。挂钩较长且与启动器平行,因此挂钩紧凑且小巧。 3、钩子的角应该伸出来。钩子的角不突出会显得暗淡无光,其他弧形钩的角也要突出。


十一、横折钩1、横细折厚。横要用笔写,折要按笔写。不允许横折厚折或横折薄或横折厚度相同。 2、钩子需要一个弧形钩子。在勾前画弧线,即用竖左勾的写法。不要写成弹簧钩或带脚跟的钩子。 3、会有变化。横折勾可根据不同的字写成不同的长度。例如“同”、“四”、“句”三字对的横向折叠长度要求不同。

十二、横折和略读 由横折和略读加略读组成。横折勾折法同理。



十四、左点 使用垂直点法启动笔。也就是竖笔从轻到改写点,然后笔向下(稍微向左)画笔,收笔同悬垂竖笔。如果从后面看,它变成了左横,说明它和左横书写规则是一样的。




3、 相反点:用作前缀。左边是斜点,右边是斜点。为了保证下边的整齐,起点要高于斜点。





8、 四个向心点:用在词的两边。左边是两点水,右边是引水点和斜点。右下斜率稍大。


(一), 连接方式










(三)横细竖粗。这可以用建筑学原理来解释,横相当于梁,竖相当于顶梁柱。如果顶梁和column are thin, and the beam is thick, it will give people a Unstable feeling, only by thickening the top beams and columns and thinning the beams, can there be a feeling of stability.

(四)Left thin and right thick. This is for the left and right sides of the word are vertical, because this way of writing is in line with people's aesthetic psychological habits.

Redrawing the variation law

(一)Heavy and horizontal variation law: When there are two or more horizontals in a word, write the horizontal oblique point of starting the pen, the pitch of closing the pen and the change of length and thickness;

(二)Re-evaluate the law of variation: when there are two or more strokes in a word, except the main stroke is written as an oblique stroke, the rest are written as reverse strokes, because this way of writing can highlight the subject strokes and make the The whole character is distinct in priority and subordination. This is the truth of the ancients' saying that "characters are inseparable".

(三)The law of variation of refolding: When there are two or more folds in a single stroke or a word, the change of the square and circle should be written, so as to break the monotony and combine rigidity and softness. For example, horizontal folds Skim, horizontal fold hook, vertical fold hook and words like "horse".

(四)The law of variation of heavy hooks: When there are two or more hooks in a word (hooks in the same direction), write down the hiddenness and size of the hooks;

With the video below, you will do more with less!

Introduction to Regular Script 2

The priority of the main pen

Why do many beginners write regular script in a smooth, old-fashioned manner? Because I don't understand this important rule, writing regular time is like making calculations. If you want to make regular writing lively and intriguing, mastering this rule is the main way.

The main stroke is the subject stroke in a character. A character has only one subject stroke, and other strokes are all subordinate strokes. The subordinate strokes should give way to the main pen. It should not be overpowering or occupying space. It can only be used to highlight the main pen. Compared with the subordinate strokes, the main stroke takes up more space. Therefore, when writing the master pen, you should be open and open, and when writing the slave pen, you should restrain contraction. This is the master priority rule. The main strokes in the basic strokes are long horizontal, hanging needle vertical, oblique hook, horizontal hook, vertical hook, oblique hook, horizontal folding hook, horizontal folding oblique hook, vertical bending hook, vertical folding hook and so on.

The combination of long and horizontal as the main pen

The priority of the main pen

The following rules are used for the main pen of hanging needles:

1、The vertical height of the hanging needle is equivalent to the top beam of the building. When it is matched with the long and horizontal (equivalent to the beam of the building), it should be written thicker than the horizontal, so that the building is very stable.

2、Words with hanging needles are written last. Therefore, writing characters such as "cha, army" first vertically and then horizontally does not conform to the rules of stroke order.

The priority of the main pen

Combination rules with oblique strokes as the main pen

一、The combination of oblique strokes and strokes: a series with "big" as a typical character

1、The scribbling should be vertical and curved, and it is not allowed to write long oblique or vertical scribble (the difference between these strokes is shown in the picture below), otherwise it will be difficult to express the relationship between the master and the slave;

2、The upper horizontal can not be written as a very flat long horizontal, generally it is written as a short horizontal, such as the European font; in Yan Liu, it can be written as a long horizontal, but it should be oblique - left low and right high, can't Write flat; and to the left of the square rather than the center;

3、About is a real connection, not a virtual connection. In fact, it is a cross relationship when writing, that is, the stylus is on the left side of the left, and in the horizontal, because the horizontal covers the stylus, it looks like a real relationship.

二、The cross combination of slanting and slanting: a series of typical characters with "yi"

1 Bend and straighten. In order to highlight the main brush stroke, the left side should be curved, and the stroke should be slightly straight. Avoid turning straight or turning straight.

2 Short and long. In order to highlight the main pen, the left should be written short, and the long should be written. Avoid long and short.

3 The intersection is to the left. In order to highlight the main brush stroke and leave enough space for the stroke, the intersection of the stroke should not be placed in the center of the grid, but should be shifted to the left. The specific method is to move the pen slightly to the left when writing strokes. Therefore, the strokes of the characters such as "wen", "fa" and "zhang" should be turned to the left instead of being symmetrical with the strokes.

三、Symmetrical combinations. Combination series with "wood" as the root

1、The symmetry of the strokes does not mean that the lengths are equal (actually, the strokes are shorter and longer, the purpose is to highlight the main stroke), but the height of the strokes is equal.

2、In order to highlight the main pen, the vertical hook in the middle of the word should not be centered, but should be left to the left (it should be written on the left side of the vertical center line of the rice grid, not on the vertical center line).

3、The upper horizontal is generally written in short horizontal, and it intersects with the golden section of the vertical hook (short at the top and long at the bottom). Press.

4、The skimming, hooking and closing strokes should be distributed in a parabolic shape and cannot be written on the same horizontal line.

四、A combination of slanting and lifting hooks. Combination series with "long" as the root

The rules are similar to the previous sections. Small difference:

1、The hook is relatively long, so that the lower part is solid but not empty. There is a sense of beauty when you have the feeling of lifting Erlang's legs.

2、When there is no swipe on the hook, it will connect with the horizontal, and if there is a swipe, it will be connected with the swipe.

3、If there is a smear on the stamp, it should be tapped first and then stamped.

The priority of the main pen

The combination rule of the oblique hook as the main pen

Combination series with "ge" as the root

The rules are similar to the oblique hooks, but the "oblique hooks" are highlighted as the main pen:

1、The horizontal on the hook should be low on the left and high on the right, and the position should be on the left, so it cannot be written as a very flat and long horizontal;

2、The position of the swipe should be as high as possible, and the oblique hook should be cut in half or close to the middle;

3、Write first and then dot;

4、Ten Ge planted radical characters, such as the lower left part of the first stroke, will be replaced by dots. Such as "planted" and other words.

The priority of the main pen

The combination rule of the vertical hook as the main pen

Combination series with "self" as the root

The rules are similar to the oblique strokes, but the "vertical hook" of the main pen is highlighted:

1、The horizontal on the hook should be low on the left and high on the right, and the position should be on the left, so it cannot be written as a very flat and long horizontal;

2、Combined with apostrophe, apostrophe should be written as oblique, not curved.

3、The pen is slightly left after the vertical hook is raised. The turn should be timely, and it should not be dragged down blindly. After turning, the pen should be released horizontally and elongated before hooking.

The priority of the main pen

Combination rule 1 with horizontal folding hook as the main pen

There are two types of horizontal folding hooks, one is horizontal long folding short type, and the other is horizontal short folding long type.

When using the horizontal long folding short horizontal folding hook as the main pen, you should pay attention to the following points:

1、When paired with skimming, the skimming should not be too long, and the skimming pen is generally higher than the lowest point of the hook;

2、The skim and the hook are basically parallel;

3、The other radicals in the hook should be left to the outside and cannot be placed inside the hook.

The priority of the main pen

The combination rule 2 with the horizontal hook as the main pen

There are two types of horizontal folding hooks, one is horizontal long folding short type, and the other is horizontal short folding long type.

Horizontal long folded short horizontal fold hook and horizontal short folded long horizontal folded hook are used in the word box, should pay attention to:

1、The flat frame should be wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, and the long frame should be the same width at the top and bottom;

2、The horizontal end of the sealing is on the hook, but not connected, so the hook should be longer than the left vertical;

3、The inner head of the flat frame should be properly left, and the inner head of the long frame should be properly upper;

4、If there is a picture in the box, it should be written as a reverse.





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