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来源:儿童教育网 人气: 发布时间:2022-09-22










端午节的第三个传说是为了纪念东汉(公元23-220年)孝女曹娥救了父亲不被投河。曹娥是东汉上虞人。她的父亲在河里淹死了,尸体好几天不见了。那时,她孝顺的女儿曹娥才十四岁,日夜在河边哭泣。 17天后,5月5日,他也投身江中,5天后将父亲的遗体取出。此事传为神话,传至郡守,令独尚为其立碑,并请弟子邯郸淳致辞赞颂。



近代大量出土文物和考古研究证实:在长江中下游广大地区,有一块以新石器时代几何印花陶为特征的文物。年龄。幸存氏族,据专家介绍,是一个崇拜龙图腾的氏族——历史上称为百越氏族。出土陶器上的饰物和历史传说表明,他们有剪头发和纹身的习俗,生活在水乡,是龙的传人。它的生产工具多为石器,也有锹、凿子等小型青铜工具。在作为日常生活用品的壶罐中,用于烹调食物的印刷陶鼎是他们独有的,是他们民族的标志之一。直到秦汉时期,还有百越人,端午节是他们设立的祭祀祖先的节日。在几千年的历史发展中,白越人大部分已经融入汉族,其余的则演变为南方的许多少数民族。因此,端午节成为了整个中华民族的节日。 ▲端午节的由来


端午节是农历五月,是盛夏流行的季节,俗称“邪月”。因此,《夏小正》说:“(五月)贮兰,舒密”(贮:积,聚。舒:收藏。密:贮密)。 《大戴礼》曰:“存兰花,亦为沐浴。”洗澡的目的是为了净化和去除毒气,是对五月恶月的积极预防措施。这期间的一切行动,也是以休养为原则。 《礼记·月令》:“仲夏,阴阳相争,生死分,君子斋戒;同时五月忌多。据少英(公元17年8)@ >《风俗与史记》),汉代有“五月到任,或不动”、“五月盖房,让人秃顶”的习俗,而5月5日是个特别糟糕的日子。除了忌“露床推位”外,甚至还有一句“不提五月子”的谚语。《史记?孟尝君传》记载孟尝君生于5月5日,其父天鹰打算抛弃他,因为天鹰相信:“五月的孩子,与家人一起长大,不会对父母好。”这个邪恶的日子里的这个禁忌深深根植于人们的心中。人们。在节日的习俗中,找出毒药和防疫的成分。

端午节起源的第二种说法是闻一多先生提出的。闻一多在《端午考》一文中指出,端午节最重要的两项活动——赛马和吃粽子,都与龙有关。他首先引用了吴军的一段话(公元 467-520) 的《续齐邪记》):

五一屈原死在汨罗,楚国人悲痛万分。每天在这一天,将大米储存在竹筒中,并倒入水。汉代武术建设时,长沙瓯惠白天突然见到一个人,自称三鹿大夫,说:“你应该看看祭祀,很好。但经常留下的东西被盗了。 ”辉顺着他的话。天下人用五色丝印楝叶包粽子,都是汨罗的遗物。

同时端午节的由来,闻一多引用了几个文献例子来支持他的理论。这些记载也表明,端午节的起源与龙息息相关。闻一多据此推测端午节的由来,端午节可能原本是长江下游吴越民族的节日。相传自古以来,吴越是一个切断纹身的国家。至于切断纹身的目的,则是“像龙子一样”,以免受伤。 《汉书·地理·夏》应注:“(越人)常下水,故剪其发,纹身如龙,故无害。”闻一多的结论是,端午节应该是一个以龙为图腾的民族举行图腾节的日子。也就是端午节。





















在唐代,端午节已成为重要的节日,宫廷里有各种庆祝活动。唐朝皇帝经常在端午节奖励大臣。王璞(922-982)《唐徽要》卷35记载,贞观十八年,唐太宗赠长孙无忌、杨士道一把御笔题写的“白飞扇”。他说:“五天,用衣裳、戏相贺,是古风俗,今送你们两把飞白的扇子,让你们动风增德。” 《中国古今注》记载,端午节时,文官被赐黑玳瑁带,武官被赐黑银腰带。唐朝还记载,天宝年间,端午节时祭祀祖陵,送衣扇。

王仁玉(880-956)《开元天宝遗志》)唐玄宗时记载:“宫中每逢端午节,制粉丸、黍黍。金盘中。做弓,修长可爱,射箭,射盘上的粉球,打到的人就吃。 。”不过,这只是奢侈品人士可以玩的游戏。端午节期间,只能使用实惠的风扇。李瑙(生于880年以后)在《秦仲随记》中记载:“端午前二日,东城称番城,车马多。” 904年左右)的《云仙杂记》卷一又引《金门随街记》也说:“洛阳人……端午节庙上金银亭,遗扇免瘟疫。” (早期的扇子多是用蒲叶做成的,因为菖蒲有解毒的作用,所以所谓的防疫扇就是由此衍生而来的)。




宋的独创性并不止于此。同样是毒菖蒲和艾草,它们也会添加一些花样,让它的外观艺术化。吴子木《梦良录》(1274年序)卷三记载南宋杭州端午节:“天师以艾草百草捆绑,挂于门额,或挂在白泽的老虎头上。” ,以艾为首,大蒜为拳,挂在门上辟邪。 “天师”和“虎”是端午节最常见的两个形象,因为它们的出现足以威慑邪魔。同时,我们也可以看到道教对端午习俗的影响。



明朝的北京,端午节是“女儿节”。 《万书杂记》第十七卷记载:“万宿,从农历五月初一到初五,打扮成一个小女孩,看起来很漂亮。已婚的女孩也回到了自己的家中,因为它被称为“女儿节”这个风俗似乎只有北京才有。




另一种治虫的民间疗法是喝菖蒲和雄黄酒。除了喝酒,还要在帐篷上放雄黄酒。古鲁《清溪录》(1830年)卷五:“研刨花根雄黄末,配酒饮之,谓之‘雄黄酒’。余酒亦用以染孩童额头心。 “有的孩子不敢喝酒,父母会用雄黄酒在额头上画一个“王”,防止毒物侵入。


最早的端午食品应该属于西汉时期的“猫头鹰汤”。 《史记?武帝志》注如春燕:“汉使东郡送猫头鹰,5月5日,猫头鹰汤赠百官,因恶鸟而食。 可能是因为猫头鹰不容易抓,所以猫头鹰被吃掉了。喝汤的风俗并没有持续下去。档案是端午节的主角——粽子,出现在东汉后期。伊伊到了晋代,粽子就成为端午节的节日食品。 《丰图记》:“五月初五,夏至同一天,……前二节一日,我用野叶包糯米,拌小米,煮纯浓的灰汁使它煮熟。”同时,还有另外一种端午节食,叫“龟”,在晋代只是昙花一现,后来就销声匿迹了。唯有《赋图记》中名为“交米”的粽子,因附有屈原的传说,成为千百年来最为盛行的端午节。




北平的粽子分三种:一种是用糯米做成的白粽子,用白糖蒸熟吃。另一种是枣饺子,里面装满了枣子和果脯。三是豆沙饺,比较少见。 In North China, there is another kind of zongzi that uses yellow millet instead of glutinous rice, and red dates are used as the filling. After steaming, I saw the bright red dates embedded in the yellow sticky millet, some people call it "gold wrapped agate".

Zhejiang Huzhou Zongzi, the rice is fragrant and soft, and is divided into salty and sweet varieties. Salty with fresh pork, soaked in fine soy sauce. Each zongzi is filled with a piece of fat and lean meat. Sweet dumplings are filled with jujube puree or bean paste. Add a dollop of pork suet on top. After steaming, the lard is blended into the bean paste, which is very fragrant and palatable. The rice dumplings produced by "Wufangzhai" are especially famous. The fillings are selected by special personnel, including eight treasures, chicken, bean paste, fresh meat, etc., each with its own characteristics.

Sichuan's salt and pepper bean dumplings are also unique. Soak glutinous rice and red beans for half a day, add pepper noodles, Sichuan salt and a little diced bacon, and wrap them into four-cornered dumplings. Cook on high heat for three hours, then put it on a wire mesh and brown it with charcoal. It tastes crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a lot of flavor.

Zhongshan Ludou Zong in Guangdong is characterized by a round stick shape and a thick arm. The ingredients are also divided into sweet and salty. The sweet ones include lotus seed paste, bean paste, chestnut paste, and jujube paste; the salty ones include bacon, roast chicken, egg yolk, ganbei, mushrooms, mung bean, roasted meat, etc.

The zongzi in southern Fujian are divided into alkaline zongzi, meat zongzi and bean zongzi. Alkaline rice dumplings are made by steaming glutinous rice with lye. It is sticky, soft and slippery. It's especially delicious with honey or syrup after it's chilled. The meat dumplings are made of braised pork, mushrooms, egg yolks, dried shrimps, dried bamboo shoots, etc. The meat dumplings in Xiamen are the most famous. Bean dumplings are popular in Quanzhou. They are made of September beans mixed with a little salt and wrapped with glutinous rice. After steaming, the beans are fragrant, and some people eat them with sugar.

▲Dragon Boat Festival customs all over the country

〔Hebei Province〕

Beijing avoids digging well water during the Dragon Boat Festival. It is often pre-drained before the festival, which is said to be to avoid well poisoning. Market vendors also sell cherries and mulberries on the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that if you eat cherries and mulberries on the Dragon Boat Festival, you will not accidentally eat flies throughout the year. The "Five Poison Cakes" are sold at various stoves and food shops, that is, cakes decorated with patterns of five types of poisonous insects. The in-laws of men and women who have been hired by Luan County will present gifts to each other on the Dragon Boat Festival. On the Dragon Boat Festival in Zhaoxian County, the local government will hold a party in the south of the city, and invite the literati and officials in the city to feast and write poetry, which is called "Treading the Willow".

〔Shandong Province〕

During the Dragon Boat Festival in Zouping County, everyone has to drink a drink when they get up early. It is said that it can ward off evil spirits. On the Rizhao Dragon Boat Festival, children are wrapped with seven-color threads, which are worn until the first rain after the festival, and then they are untied and thrown into the rain. On the Dragon Boat Festival in Linqing County, boys under the age of seven wear a talisman (a necklace made by Mai Di), girls wear pomegranate flowers, and wear yellow shoes made by their mothers. Five kinds of poisonous insects are painted with a brush on the uppers of the shoes. It means killing five kinds of poisonous insects by means of Qu Yuan's ink. Jimo washes his face with dew on the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival.


〔Shanxi Province〕

During the Dragon Boat Festival in Jiezhou, men and women wear mugwort leaves, which is called "removing diseases", and young children are tied around their necks. It is said that this is "binding a dragon for Qu Yuan". On the Dragon Boat Festival in Xizhou, villages offer sacrifices to the Dragon King and hang paper in the fields. The Dragon Boat Festival in Huairen County is also known as "Zhumen". During the Dragon Boat Festival in Dingxiang County, students need to give gifts to teachers. In Lu'an Prefecture, steamed balls are made of wheat noodles, called "white balls", which are given to each other together with zongzi.

〔Shaanxi Province〕

On the Dragon Boat Festival in Xing'an Prefecture, local officials led their subordinates to watch the race, which was called "stepping on the stone". On the Dragon Boat Festival in Xingping County, small horned millets are sewn with silk, and a small doll is sewn on the bottom, which is called "playing dolls". The Dragon Boat Festival in Tongguan County uses Puai and paper cows to stick to the door, which is called "suppressing disease".

[Gansu Province]

Jingningzhou Dragon Boat Festival picks roses and pickles them with honey. Zhenyuan County presented the newlyweds with incense fans, Luo Qi, towel handkerchiefs and Aihu on the Dragon Boat Festival. The children also invited their fathers and brothers to feast their teachers, which was called "Enjoyment Festival". On the Dragon Boat Festival in Zhangxian County, the shepherd boy worships the mountain god. The hill of accumulated salary is burned before the crowing, commonly known as "burning the mountain".

[Jiangsu Province]

Dragon Boat Festival in Jiading County, regardless of the rich or the poor, must buy totoaba (commonly known as carp) to cook. In Yizheng County, there is also a proverb of "be the pants and buy the yellow croaker". During the Nanjing Dragon Boat Festival, each family uses a box of clean water, adds a little realgar, and two goose-eye coins. The whole family uses this water to wash their eyes. It is called "Baohuoyan". In Wujin, there is a night dragon boat show. At night, small lights are hung on all sides of the dragon boat, and there are flute and drum singing.

〔Sichuan Province〕

The stone pillars have the custom of "going out of the Dragon Boat Festival". A large square table covered with a red carpet was lifted by four people with two bamboo poles. A Taoist priest riding a tiger is woven with bamboo strips on the blanket. Drums and gongs, street parade. In the old days, there was a custom of "beating plums" on the Dragon Boat Festival in western Sichuan. On that day, all the people of Chengdu bought plums and threw them up and down on the tower in the southeast corner of the city, gathering tens of thousands of viewers. In the 21st year of Guangxu (1895), this custom stopped because of a conflict with foreign missionaries by throwing Lee. During the Dragon Boat Races in Leshan, Xinjin and other places, grand commodity fairs were also held.

〔Xijiang Province〕

School children in Tonglu County Township School, the Dragon Boat Festival presents a ceremony to their teachers and calls them "silk clothes". Physicians collect medicines at noon, and it is said that on this day the medical star is near the sky.

[Jiangxi Province]

Jianchang House uses Baicao water to bathe at Noon Festival to prevent scabies. Xinchang County drinks it with realgar and cinnabar wine, which is called "eye opening".

〔Hubei Province〕

Huanggang County Dragon Boat Festival Bahe Town welcomes Nuo people, flower crown tattoos, and ringing gold to fight the epidemic. The Dragon Boat Festival is held in Yichang County, but it is especially prosperous on 十三、十四、May 15th and 3rd. On May 15th, it is also known as "Great Duanyang", eating rice dumplings and drinking Pu wine, such as the Dragon Boat Festival.

〔Hunan Province〕

During the Dragon Boat Festival in Youxian County, the wealthy pregnant women use flower coins for food and wine, while the poor prepare chicken wine and put the money in bamboo clips before the dragon head to pray for safe delivery. Yuezhou Prefecture raced to think of disasters and diseases. It is also used as a grass boat to flood water, which is called "sending plague".

[Fujian Province]

It is an old custom of the Dragon Boat Festival in Fuzhou, so the daughter-in-law presents her in-laws with shrouds, shoes and socks, dumplings, and fans. Jianyang County uses five days as the day for the king of medicine to dry the medicine bag, and everyone makes sauce on this day. On the Dragon Boat Festival in Shanghang County, a boat is used to bind reeds to make a dragon-shaped play on the waterfront, which is called racing. After the Dragon Boat Festival in Xianyou County, paper was presented to Hu Xiaotan to commemorate Qi Jiguang's drowning soldiers in the reign of Jiajing. Before the Dragon Boat Festival in Shaowu Prefecture, women use red yarn as a bag to hold the charm. It also uses five-color velvet for the square victory, and uses colored threads to tie it to the hairpin. The young girl hangs on her back and is called "Dou Niang".

[Guangdong Province]

At noon on the Dragon Boat Festival in Conghua County, after washing the eyes with boiled water, sprinkle it on the road, which is called "sending disaster". On the Dragon Boat Festival in Xinxing County, people from their neighboring temples advocated that the Yingdao statues would go on tour. The sorcerer also used magic water and stickers to expel evil spirits. On the Dragon Boat Festival in Shicheng County, children fly kites, which is called "Flying Misfortune".




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